Facial Hair Removal

Get long-lasting hair-free results with facial laser hair removal – see results after just 1-3 sessions.

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Pay-per-session pricing

With our pay-as-you-go laser hair removal treatment options, you only pay for the sessions you need.

Upper Lip

£28 per session


£28 per session

Lip & Chin

£30 per session


£35 per session

Half Face

£40 per session

Full Face

£45 per session


£25 per session

Popular Facial Laser Hair Removal Treatments

We offer a range of facial hair removal treatments for women at our Glasgow clinic. 

Upper Lip, Chin & Jawline


Full Face


Beard & Sideburns




Accessible and affordable

Unlike many laser hair removal clinics, we’ll never ask you to pay upfront fees or tie you into a set treatment package.

Our clients love our pay-as-you-go treatment plans and affordable per-session rates with no upfront fees or finance package commitment.

Book a consultation

Before you start your facial laser hair removal journey, we offer a free pre-treatment consultation and patch test.

Your initial laser hair removal consultation allows us to check your medical history and make sure you’re suitabile for laser treatment. It’s also a great time for you to get to know your therapist and ask any questions you have before you book. 

We use a patch test to check that your skin is suitable for laser therapy and that you don’t have any reactions to the laser before moving forward. Sound good? Book today!

Prepare for facial laser hair removal treatment

Set yourself up for excellent results by following these simple steps:

Facial laser hair removal aftercare

To maximise your results and care for your skin after your facial laser hair removal treatment, we recommend the following:

Any questions?

Check our our FAQs or contact us directly.

Trying to book a consultation? If you can’t find a time that suits you, contact us by email